# benchmark for yocto build machine This project includes a jenkins pipeline file for a yocto build. This pipeline can be used for a build of minimal yocto image and allows you to compare different build machine and setups of your machine. ## The build contains following stages: | # | name | decription | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 1 | clone sources | clone the yocto sources from github | | 1 | fetch sources | download all required sources for the yocto build. This step ensures that a slow download does not affect the build time measurement. | | 1 | build image | build yocto image | ## parameter You can specify a download path for downloaded source packages and git repositorys. This saves time in case of multiple calls of the benchmark. ## used yocto configuration * Machine: qemux86 * Distro: poky * yocto version: sumo * image: core-image-minimal # Results | Machine | CPU | hard disc | comment | time | | -------- | -------- | --------- | ------- | ----- | | stone | AMD Ryzon 1700, 8 (2 logical cores per physical) | hd | - | 0h 35 min | | stone | AMD Ryzon 1700, 8 (2 logical cores per physical) | hd | use docker for build | 0h 41 min | | stone | AMD Ryzon 1700, 8 (2 logical cores per physical) | - | use tmpfs for tmp/ | 0h 33 min | | imageBuild01 | 8 cores | hd | virtual machine / KVM | 1h 00 min | | rock | Intel Dualcore, 2 (2 logical cores per physical) | hd | - | 2h 11 min | | laptop | Intel i3, 2 (2 logical cores per physical) | hd | - | 3h 00 min | # Bookmarks 1. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Build_Performance