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action - Static variable in class gpio_java
Array with all allowed actions.


checkargs(String[]) - Static method in class gpio_java
The checkargs method checks whether two correct arguments have been entered.


gpio_cmdhandler(String, String) - Static method in class gpio_java
The gpio_cmdhandler method switches the relays on, off or returns the status.
gpio_getport(String) - Static method in class gpio_java
The gpio_getport method searches in the rel_map variable for the correct port and return index.
gpio_java - Class in <Unnamed>
gpio_java() - Constructor for class gpio_java
gpio_read_status(String) - Static method in class gpio_java
The method checks the status and displays it in the command line.


init_gpio() - Static method in class gpio_java
The init_gpio method defines all relevant GPIO ports as output.


launchcmd(String) - Static method in class gpio_java
The launchcmd method runs the command.


main(String[]) - Static method in class gpio_java
Implement the main function of the application gpio_java.


rel_map - Static variable in class gpio_java
Mapping from generic relay name to particular gpio port.


show_usage() - Static method in class gpio_java
The show_usage method provides assistance in case of wrong input.
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